Follow these easy steps to determine your total loan amount and monthly payment amounts.
STEP 1. Determine Your Total Purchase Cost A. Determine the cost of your home-site B. Add in the Settlement fees (see chart of closing cost expenses below) C. Total the Home-site cost and settlement fees D. Determine the amount that will be financed (up to 50 percent)
STEP 2. Monthly Payment Calculator A. Enter the "Loan Amount" up to 50% of the total purchase cost B. Enter the ''Interest Rate'', 9, 10 or 11 percent C. Enter the "Loan Period," one, two or three years D. Then, click on the "Calculate" button. The result is your "Monthly Payment Amount" in US dollars. If you wish to change the "Loan Period" or "Loan Amount" just click on the "Reset" button Click here for Estimated Settlement Fees |